Online DGR e-Learning

Since most people have instant access to the internet, we thought, why not bring DGR learning to you. From the comfort of the nearest desk, you can enroll into a DGR class and master the in’s and out’s of Dangerous Goods Regulations.

This online e-learning class serves to equip you with skills you’ll require further along in your career. It also provides a strong foundation of Dangerous Goods knowledge from which you can build upon in the future.

With that said here’s more information below.

Dangerous Goods Regulations for Pilot and Airline Crew

Who Should Attend This Course?
All flight operations crew.

How Will This Course Be Taught:
Lectures, discussions, role-playing, videos, exercises and tests.

Dangerous goods handling education for airline crew.

6 hours.

Training Schedule: Check by email to
Tel: 62924804

Click Here For Online DGR

Dangerous Goods Regulations (Online)

Learn about dangerous goods regulations online and receive an internationally recognized certificate.

  • Air crews, passengers, airport security and pilots
  • Freight forwarders and ground handling staff
  • Awareness for load planners

Click Here For Online DGR