Resolve Issues With Tissue - A Visual Thinking Workshop

Who should benefit from this course:

CEOs, senior managers, directors, executives,business professionals,staff at all levels.
Everyone deserves the ability to solve problems and translate ideas in as many ways possible

Course Fees : $200 per delegate

Duration: 3 hours

When?: Check our online registration portal


Course Outline

At the Workplace:

What is Visual Thinking, and how can it be used to effectively dissect problems
Using the SQVID & <6><6> framework
Looking and Seeing

In Business:

Generate Ideas from Tissues
Powering through meetings Clearly & Effectively



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Leadership Trainer & Management Coach

Mr.Iqbal has over 10 years of leadership & training experience in the Military,Aerospace, Security, Financial and Energy industries for the Singapore Government, Multi Nationals and SMEs. Working and managing staff of varying calibres, he has honed and perfected the skill of translating business ideas and strategy into practical, day to day operational use. Implementing processes which work, and management of interpersonal relations at the workplace has been his forte and he brings the same highly effective progress driven quality into this workshop for the benefit of learners of all ages and levels. He is also holds the rank of Captain in the Singapore Armed Forces, and leads 120 soldiers in their yearly military training activities.

He is a versatile trainer who has a BSc in Business, Diploma in Engineering, Lead Auditor Certificate and many other professional certificates that has allowed him to understand and contextualize learning to his audience effectively over the past 10 years. He is also a member of Adult Educator’s Network and Project Management Institute.

True to his versatility and belief in lifelong learning, he develops gaming applications for mobile phones in his free time and is an advocate for cyber security and wellness.